lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Social Science - Unidad 6

Buenos días,

Os dejo los objetivos y criterios de evaluación de la unidad 6 de Social Science:


1. Recognise the passing of time and identify the past, present and future in their surroundings.
2. Know their personal history.
3. Use instruments for measuring time: calendar and clock.
4. Identify periods of history.
5. Describe the great inventions and discoveries throughout history.
6. Use digital resources.


1.   Changes in time.
2.   People from history.
3.   Notions of duration, successive and simultaneous events.
4.   Historical artefacts: care and conservation.
5.   People from history.
6.   Care and conservation of cultural heritage.
7.   Using information and communications technology to search for and select information.
8.   Encouragement to read simple texts related to Social Sciences (social, gepographic and historical).

Un saludo.

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